for i in {5..7}; do for e in {5..7}; do echo "$i*$e=$(bc<<<$i*$e)" | spd-say -e ;sleep 2; done; done
watch -n 10 'mycommand && spd-say done || echo "no"'
df -Th
Legend :
# list partitions
fdisk -l
fdisk /dev/sdx
# touch d for delete partition
# touch n for new partition
mkfs.vfat /dev/sdx1
dd if=file.iso of=/dev/sdx bs=1M status=progress
Legend :
: input fileof
: output filebs
: block size
xclip -sel c < input_file
ss -ptulwn | grep LISTEN
Change the pager of man
export PAGER=less
cat a | while read f; do curl -L -b 'cookie=value' -O -J "${f}"; done
# start new "infinite" shell - read the manual for more info
# CTRL + A then "D" to leave
# list screens shell
screen -ls
# resume screen shell
screen -r <screen_id>
sudo iftop -s wlp0
# change to your interface
aspell -l en -c file.txt
apt install qemu-system libvirt-daemon-system
adduser $USER libvirt
apt install virt-manager # nice GUI
# IPv4 addresses:
cat /proc/net/fib_trie
# hex-encoded port data:
cat /proc/net/tcp
# ngrock (need install)
ngrok http 80
# localtunnel package (npx of bunx)
npx localtunnel --port 8000
bunx localtunnel --port 8000